Source position

Coord or Trajectory mode

Speaker editor

Coord or Trajectory mode

Algo motion

random, random-walk, procedural, simulation of rain, wind, vortex, collision with physic engine

3d viewer

random, random-walk, procedural, simulation of rain, wind, vortex, collision with physic engine

Trajectory warp

Source warp


Cue list

Presets and templates

Import /  Export

Audio rendering



Osc & midi

Fullscreen & Second Screen


Touchscreen and tablet


Ableton Live


Future release


Sound trajectory version 1 is the first release that permit to proof the concept of the interface. Next release will purpose different version adapted for specific need of use.

ST Mix

Interface only for work with external encoder by OSC and other network functionality with more interactive algorithms capacity.


ST Audio Engine Server

with support of unlimited input and output, work with STmix.


ST Sampler

dedicated to the sampler functionnality of Sound Trajectory with 255 voices of polyphony, support of sample mono to 24 tracks,  Timestrech and large interface management for trig your sound by midi, osc and MPE.


ST calibration


a complete tools for test and adjust all parameter about calibration for adjust delays and equalisation of each outputs.