
Panoramix is a post-production workstation for 3-D audio contents.
This tool offers a comprehensive environment for mixing, reverberating, and spatializing sound materials from different microphone systems: surround microphone trees, spot microphones, ambient miking, Higher Order Ambisonics capture.
Several 3-D spatialization techniques (VBAP, HOA, binaural) can be combined and mixed simultaneously in different formats. Panoramix also provides conventional features of mixing engines (equalizer, compressor/expander, grouping parameters, routing of input/output signals, etc.), and it can be controlled entirely via the Open Sound Control protocol.
Thanks to the support of the OSC, Sound Trajectory is able to control the sources positions of Panoramix.
To do this, simply use this parameters on the OSC panel for send source position in AED or XYZ format :

osc setup